The first switch is activated to allow ammo to the artillery guns. Set up each wagon for the different types of outposts. It is simply not worth it to use static artillery turrets and deliver ammo to them. Wiki; Active topics; FAQ; Board index. Clever and beautiful constructions,. Enter the following code in the console right after loading your game (or anytime before exploring). 1. Details. The easiest way to do that is to have 2 trains and summon the one with the artillery once you have the Outpost built. To seed it I need to have track, train stations, normal rail signals, blue belts,. Temporary artillery "forward outpost", to place as you move forwards to extend your line and base. The static artillary guns seem to stop being loaded by inserters once they get to 5, but the wagons just keep loading. hide. If you maintain a steam tank per steam turbine raito (1:1) you will get 416 seconds of power at full load (5. Design / Blueprint. These ideas can lead to the utilisation of the artillery outpost, that is automatically resupplied by train. Artillery Train outpost. I have not run the numbers yet, but I'm guessing that a single reactor could power all the lasers and other gear at an artillery outpost. Once the supporting structures are placed, the blueprint will build itself. The way to do it is to have a special train stop in the outpost for restocking. It deals enough damage to destroy any enemy nest or worm in. The problem Imagine that you manually drive your train into the wilderness. Valheim. All you need to do is carry just enough items to build the center section. - Designed for up to 4-wagon trains. The train car holds barreled oil for the flamethrowers, construction bots, repair packs, and the rest is artillery ammo. Setting up a new artillery outpost feels so good. Posts: 360. (A few tiles between each, depending on how thick your biters are. The_Mister_SIX • 5 yr. Press J to jump to the feed. Artillery. But there simply aren't enough enemies, and I can't figure out how to use the config to generate more and bigger bases, instead of the reduced amount. Temporary artillery "forward outpost", to place as you move forwards to extend your line and base. 91% evolution, 7 outposts firing, each getting multiple retalliation attacks: no bots lost, 7 wall pieces lightly damaged, 70 mines spent, no power spike. MrBas. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If you give two inserters (in and out) rules that are each other's inverse, then the insert condition would load it and the inverse would unload it. At this point I am desperate for iron. Details. Never worry about manual control mishaps again. For my fun, I like either megabases and deathworlds. Ores. Update: I'm working on the repair and refuel system currently. That has a 'Schematicannon' which essentially takes a 3D blueprint, fuel, and connected supply of materials and will gradually build things for you. When the first artillery train rolled in I was attacked by HUGE groups from all sides of biters that did a fair amount of damage as is. I considered doing something similar but since I supply a lot of different stuff (too much, probably, but whatever) I haven't thought of a good circuit condition. level 2. I can't think of a scenario, where the Turret would be better than just sending artillery train around the base walls. 3k commentsMod that modifies resource spawning to strongly encourage outposts connected via trainsThat happens after loading a save. now i have change to 1-1 trains, and one train for every artillery station. Filter Inserter. Artillery train logic? I'm trying to automate my artillery train to cycle round the base, exterior walls and outposts and just can't work work out a nice expandable way to do it. Then the train will come and build the rest of the outpost. Smells like Factorio. To build a railway in Factorio, first you must lay down your track. And if you stop, those wagons would shoot a…r/factorio • i want to connect the mining outpost (top left) to the factory. 5 times larger. What type of laser tower is that? If unmodded, these are way to few towers to defend the response my artillery trains get, my outposts are way more beefy. . Ensure that you have rich patches of ore. Who doesn. Should be relatively easy to mod something that places a targeting marker on the map and let the normal game logic handle the shooting. Close. FACTORIO MEGABASE-IN-A-BOOKAdvanced Factorio Lets Play focused on making modular design for a Megabase. idle grid is always on, powering essential logic and a steam pump from a single solar panel. Features. 273k members in the factorio community. Artillery Train Outpost. A train that big will take a while to load, but once loaded it’ll fill your lines for a good long time. Mining outpost designed for belt-based loading onto trains with high-ish mining productivity. Factorio Prints. Advertisement Coins. vertical artillery wagon is not part of train of course, it is stationary. . The problem I’m having is I’m trying to do this with both the ammo train and the regular copper ore train sharing the same train stop at the outpost, so I cannot necessarily just deactivate the train stop at a certain ammo count. Chips. That train has some artillery wagons. The train is unloaded with filter inserter(s). It is a rather slow projectile that is shown on the map and explores every chunk as it travels to its target. Luckily I've just. The problem Imagine that you manually drive your train into the wilderness. That's 6 Locos pulling 9 cargo + 1 artillery for a total cargo weight of 13, total train weight is 12+13=25. with style. There is also a 'joiner' section to help finish an enclosed wall round an outpost for example. Currently designed for dedicated single track supply train (Uranium ammo, Artillery shells, repair packs, walls) Copy to Clipboard. However, I feel. I also updated the train to deliver spare parts for the most vulnerable items (walls, turrets etc). The explanation is the little line below the "Blueprint string here" field. The idea is that they would count the amount of itens then turn the station on/of accordingly. Targets. 24. In this Factorio prequel, you play an android sent to terraform barren planets and seed them with. When a train stops at the outpost, a timer counts to 25 seconds. Bulldog Artillery: Forward Post. should i use a set of trains to carry the iron to the factory and then another train to take the iron to the module that needs the iron or schedule a train to carry the iron directly from the outpost to the designated moduleThe problem Imagine that you manually drive your train into the wilderness. 7 wagons, which is around the point where the resistance is so large that top speed gets influencedYou could just use artillery wagons instead of stationary cannons and refill them wherever you want, since the wagon can hold 100 shells as opposed to the 40 of the cargo one. Because of this it'd likely use high damage and large splash range, and have a minimum firing range as well. A great example of environmental storytelling. This is a really good strategy for clearing out the biters but it comes at the cost of 23 processing units, 30 U235 (the good one) and 10 U238 per shell. It uses a staggered miner setup to maximize belt length per drill, taken from this amazing post. Train stations are enabled if the outpost is not full of ammo. But it takes 4 explosive cannon shells, 8 explosives, and 1 radar to make each one. The turret has both. 53 1-4 trains per minute, safe rail crossings, and trains take priority for maximum efficency. 0 favorites TO REMOVE! 1 favorites renew: sushi mall. Community-run subreddit for the game Factorio made by Wube Software. Loading is controlled by reading the train's inventory. Share your designs. I have a little box with lasers and flamethrower turrets and a local roboport with repair packs that I blueprinted and just slap that down far from where I want to expand and send a supply train to it and then let artillery come in to it. The Feasibility of Outpost Building Trains. At the time it had 14 train stops, each one with slight overlapping firing arcs. Copper wire direct insert! Even if it goes into a buffer chest to get your beacons. They are listed below. Community-run subreddit for the game Factorio made by Wube Software. Valheim. Find blueprints for the video game Factorio. I made a circuit-controlled artillery outpost that automatically calls a train to clear the area every 1 hour to combat biter expansion. And if you stop, those wagons would shoot a…I do it similarly when I want to add something new to my train network. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsGenerally speaking, with this mod, Factorio is tilted towards throughput management. If you're being aggressive with expansion, add more artillery trains and add waiting bay to reload station. hide. 000 Artillery shellBlueprint Explained: to reload this. Outer walls (maze / dragon teeth) distract biters so they get incinerated efficiently Outer. That train has some artillery wagons. The first 2 cars on the supply train carry ammo, the 3rd car carries an assortment of spare bots, walls, gates, and repair packs (you can set what a single square in a cargo wagon holds by using the middle mouse button), and the 4th car carries. Now the artillery train will go fill up whichever outpost needs shells. Glum-Natural-191 • 2 mo. You can tweak the conifg on RSO to spread ore patches out even further, and there's another mod which gives you cheaper rails. 0 coins. My train network hates it when I bring my 160 car train (134 artillery, 2 solid cargo, 2 liquid cargo, 22 locomotives), especially when it has to stop for a red light. And if you stop, those wagons would shoot a…Ah, the artillery outpost. Community-run subreddit for the game Factorio made by Wube Software. Mix of laser and regular turrets. Quick links. Artillery and laser turrets should switch places in the tech tree for two reasons: Logic wise: Historically cannons are way older technology compared to lasers. Hook up the chest to the station and say enabled = shells < 15. Press J to jump to the feed. 8. To send the spare parts I've developed a. That’s why you always need some laser defense for your artillery turrets or trains! #factorio #gaming #artillery #defense #trains #laser turret #biters #biter killing #0. Community-run subreddit for the game Factorio made by Wube Software. I've enjoyed seeing the recent artillery outpost type threads since I myself enjoy artillery, so I thought I would share what I've been using. Hey, I have 3 artillery trains circling my base and outposts. Community-run subreddit for the game Factorio made by Wube Software. 368 favorites Rocket Factory. counterpoint: A permanently self refueling artillery outpost with artillery turret and cargo wagons is built with materials that are more commonly used and easier to have on hand. 0 favorites First 3 sciences at 60 SPM. - Artillery wagon shells are unloaded and feed two artillery turrets for higher rate of fire and sustained fire after train is gone - Defense is gun and flamethrower turrets - Cargo includes ammo, repair packs, conbots, and. Ideally I want all the outposts to have the same station name and to be able to be visited in order cycling from reload. Or let's say a lot of spin into it! Spidertrons were made to follow artillery train wagons to a distant outpost. (Use 2 if the outpost is very large) - Put about 50 construction robots in the 'port. Spidertron builds a skeleton station (supplies are in the requester chests labelled Spider Supplies). resource patches are endless, but yield. If one day you try to combine both, you will find that artillery is basically the way to expand. For specific piece. That means only one train (or at most one train per kind of delivery) being scheduled. 327K subscribers in the factorio community. Previously, I had different station names for each outpost, the trains visiting each of them in turn, but it became unmanageable with the increasing number of outposts, and is also inefficient. - The base supports either piercing or uranium ammunition, whichever is loaded on the train. Love using construction bots to lay down blue prints once I finalize the blue print. Autofire keeps the land clear. Personally I abandoned it in favor of RSO. Share. 2) supply drop (bullets, spare parts) 3) parking spot for my private express, so i dont block the main lines, and artillery trains. I'm designing an artillery outpost supplied by a train, and if I'm not wrong trains take fire (and biter ofc) damage, so I want to block the gate so…Community-run subreddit for the game Factorio made by Wube Software. Train: wait condition = empty inv or inactivity of 5 sec. Artillery is the most gentlemanly way of dealing with biters. That train has some artillery wagons. Send the artillery train out to each stop, moving to the next one on inactivity. 75 comments. 0 coins. Self Nuker Extraordinaire Artillery Train, Tested in a real Death Map. Fri Oct 19, 2018 3:02 pm. . 99% of them are solved by extra buffer of having a next train waiting in a stacker. Smart Artillery Outpost. Slow start, really poor iron patches near spawn. Only 2 resources are truly valuable in Factorio: your time and your fun. and then the train will wait until either the cargo is empty or there is a 5 second inactivity, then. ago. Continuation of previous video - tier 3 speed modules in miners - that makes output 2. it shoots just like a regular turret anyway. Inspired by this thread I also wanted to make a. Made an artillery outpost for my train in Factorio.